Rome office


Rome office

The AISM Section of Rome, founded in 1972, operates in the provincial territory to ensure support, autonomy and participation to people with multiple sclerosis and their families, helping them to overcome the daily limitations imposed by the disease and to improve the quality of life. The Section provides support activities to autonomy also at home, support activities to mobility with equipped means, delivery of medicines and psychological support. It provides information on the rights of people with disabilities, on existing laws and their application, through the activity of social desk, legal advice and information activities at the Clinical Centers of reference for multiple sclerosis. It proposes recreational activities and socialization, represents and asserts the rights of people with MS through the presence in the institutions.
Since May 2013, at the Section, is active the service of "social desk" that offers useful information and guidance to deal with the practices of verification of civil disability and handicap status, driver's license, badge and targeted employment. Tax relief and contributions, right to study, mobility, architectural barriers, facilities, work permits and social health services in the area.

2,830 €

2,200 €
93 Donations


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The AISM Section of Rome, founded in 1972, operates in the provincial territory to ensure support, autonomy and participation to people with multiple sclerosis and their families, helping them to overcome the daily limitations imposed by the disease and to improve the quality of life. The Section provides support activities to autonomy also at home, support activities to mobility with equipped means, delivery of medicines and psychological support. It provides information on the rights of people with disabilities, on existing laws and their application, through the activity of social desk, legal advice and information activities at the Clinical Centers of reference for multiple sclerosis. It proposes recreational activities and socialization, represents and asserts the rights of people with MS through the presence in the institutions.
Since May 2013, at the Section, is active the service of "social desk" that offers useful information and guidance to deal with the practices of verification of civil disability and handicap status, driver's license, badge and targeted employment. Tax relief and contributions, right to study, mobility, architectural barriers, facilities, work permits and social health services in the area.
The project supports: Sections

People at the center: support the activities of the Sections of AISM in the territory.

Campaigns supporting the project