Birthday for AISM Research

For my birthday I decided to support the research of AISM and its Foundation, because currently multiple sclerosis has no cure and only through research can we try to ensure a dignified future for those affected.If you'd like, you can participate in this project of mine with a small donation.All proceeds will be donated to the foundation.In our own small way we can try to do something too, thank you!

Birthday for AISM Research

A campaign for the birthday of Arianna
Fundraising by Arianna Battaini
For my birthday I decided to support the research of AISM and its Foundation, because currently multiple sclerosis has no cure and only through research can we try to ensure a dignified future for those affected.

If you'd like, you can participate in this project of mine with a small donation.

All proceeds will be donated to the foundation.

In our own small way we can try to do something too, thank you!

185 €

300 €
11 Donations
The campaign supports the project: Scientific research

Together we can find a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis


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