Emergency Roof Turin

There is an emergency in Turin: the roof of the building is damaged and dislodged in some places, the activities of the AISM Center and the well-being of the guests themselves are at risk. It is raining inside the center, so the roof urgently needs to be redone: can you help us start the work to repair the roof before the autumn rains arrive?The AISM Center in Turin is home to so many people with multiple sclerosis and is a reference point for more than 1,500 people with multiple sclerosis and related conditions and their families.When it rains we have to put buckets out to collect water, and the center's guests have to do gymkhana to avoid them. They are worried about the current conditions and scared for tomorrow, because outside this Center the alternative for them would be to stay at home, alone, with no answers.Here is what the report of the Technical Manager, Geometra Alessandro Mattiotti, says: "From the technical investigations carried out, it has been highlighted that the infiltration of rainwater could determine, in the long run, carbonation phenomena that would also put at risk the stability of the building. Therefore, it is recommended to proceed with the utmost urgency to theextraordinary maintenance of the solar slab and the roof with the related eaves channels."We are ready to start with all the necessary works to restore the roof and the damaged parts, help us to carry out these urgent and unpostponable interventions today.

Emergency Roof Turin

Fundraising by AISM
There is an emergency in Turin: the roof of the building is damaged and dislodged in some places, the activities of the AISM Center and the well-being of the guests themselves are at risk. It is raining inside the center, so the roof urgently needs to be redone: can you help us start the work to repair the roof before the autumn rains arrive?

The AISM Center in Turin is home to so many people with multiple sclerosis and is a reference point for more than 1,500 people with multiple sclerosis and related conditions and their families.

When it rains we have to put buckets out to collect water, and the center's guests have to do gymkhana
to avoid them. They are worried about the current conditions and scared for tomorrow, because outside this Center the alternative for them would be to stay at home, alone, with no answers.

Here is what the report of the Technical Manager, Geometra Alessandro Mattiotti, says: "From the technical investigations carried out, it has been highlighted that the infiltration of rainwater could determine, in the long run, carbonation phenomena that would also put at risk the stability of the building
. Therefore, it is recommended to proceed with the
utmost urgency
to the
extraordinary maintenance of the solar slab and the roof with the related eaves channels.

We are ready to start with all the necessary works to restore the roof and the damaged parts, help us to carry out these urgent and unpostponable interventions today

3,060 €

10,000 €
80 Donations
The campaign supports the project: Scientific research

Together we can find a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis


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