Debora birthday fundraiser for Aism

It is only thanks to research if I am basically well,if I have been able to change two treatments in the 'last year and a half without having to shove the tile of "there are no other treatments" in my face,if the flame of hope of the more than 130000 people in Italy with multiple sclerosis!!!Give me a gift...actually give us a gift 😍

Debora birthday fundraiser for Aism

A campaign for the special occasion "Raccolta fondi compleanno Debora per Aism" (28/07/2024)
Fundraising by Debora Marazzato

It is only thanks to research if I am basically well,if I have been able to change two treatments in the 'last year and a half without having to shove the tile of "there are no other treatments" in my face,if the flame of hope of the more than 130000 people in Italy with multiple sclerosis!!!

Give me a gift...actually give us a gift 😍

110 €

200 €
6 Donations
The campaign supports the project: Scientific research

Together we can find a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis


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