Fundraising for AISM research

I am about to conclude my university course in Venice during which someone close to me and whom I care about very much was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I am not going to speak for her with respect to what it means and what the experiences of people with MS are, because I am no one to be able to deal with how it feels and to appropriate a narrative that is not mine. Having had the consent of the person in question and having been touched in the hard times albeit indirectly, I feel I can use the opportunity to donate the money that would be spent on my graduation gift toward AISM (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association).Scientific research has made strides over the years, and I would like to imagine a future in which people who receive a diagnosis do not have to fear the worst or at least have better and, as far as possible, less degenerative life prospects.I have always heard that "every help counts," so I hope I can do my part with your help as well. Thank you in advance,Chiara

Fundraising for AISM research

A campaign for the party "Laurea Chiara" (30/07/2022)
Fundraising by Chiara Guglielmi
I am about to conclude my university course in Venice during which someone close to me and whom I care about very much was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

I am not going to speak for her with respect to what it means and what the experiences of people with MS are, because I am no one to be able to deal with how it feels and to appropriate a narrative that is not mine.

Having had the consent of the person in question and having been touched in the hard times albeit indirectly, I feel I can use the opportunity to donate the money that would be spent on my graduation gift toward AISM (Italian Multiple Sclerosis Association).

Scientific research has made strides over the years, and I would like to imagine a future in which people who receive a diagnosis do not have to fear the worst or at least have better and, as far as possible, less degenerative life prospects.

I have always heard that "every help counts," so I hope I can do my part with your help as well.

Thank you in advance,


600 €

300 €
24 Donations
The campaign supports the project: Scientific research

Together we can find a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis


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