A small gesture ❤️

It begins the time of year I cherish the most, not so much because of Christmas itself or my birthday coming up but because of all those memories that are part of it, all the demonstrations of love and affection. And that's why I would like to honor it by dedicating myself to a cause very dear to me, a small gesture that is immense to me. And your participation would be the greatest of gifts to me. ❤️

A small gesture ❤️

A campaign for the special occasion "Compleanno"
Fundraising by Luca Fede

It begins the time of year I cherish the most, not so much because of Christmas itself or my birthday coming up but because of all those memories that are part of it, all the demonstrations of love and affection. And that's why I would like to honor it by dedicating myself to a cause very dear to me, a small gesture that is immense to me. And your participation would be the greatest of gifts to me. ❤️

210 €

100 €
10 Donations
The campaign supports the project: Scientific research

Together we can find a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis


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