From Milan to Rome on foot

My name is Matteo, I am 22 years old and I decided to walk from Milan to Rome.After living 3 years abroad and especially after 2 years of pandemic, I feel the need to travel to rediscover my country.The period of blockade and restrictions we experienced made me realize how important solidarity and mutual help are to achieve a goal. That is why I decided to make my journey an opportunity to help others, especially to support AISM.I will walk 700 km with the goal of raising at least €700, €1 for every kilometer walked.I hope many people will decide to support my project,happy walking to all.

From Milan to Rome on foot

A campaign for the event "Da Milano a Roma a piedi"
Fundraising by Matteo Valenzisi

My name is Matteo, I am 22 years old and I decided to walk from Milan to Rome.

After living 3 years abroad and especially after 2 years of pandemic, I feel the need to travel to rediscover my country.

The period of blockade and restrictions we experienced made me realize how important solidarity and mutual help are to achieve a goal. That is why I decided to make my journey an opportunity to help others, especially to support AISM.

I will walk 700 km with the goal of raising at least €700, €1 for every kilometer walked.

I hope many people will decide to support my project,

happy walking to all.

3,343 €

700 €
144 Donations
The campaign supports the project: Scientific research

Together we can find a definitive cure for multiple sclerosis


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